Setting up the Grid template

By default the Hermes theme provides a grid layout only for archive views including the blog page. Achieve views are generated automatically based on your posts. Regular pages with a default page template are designed to display only its content. These pages do not display any blog posts by default. Below you can find examples of archive and singular views.

To allow create a grid on your regular pages, we have created the Grid Page template. This custom template is designed to display child pages in a grid format. So, you can use regular pages to create a grid layout, similar to one, which is shown in archive views.

Setting up the template

  1. Create or edit a page, and assign it to the Grid Page template from the Page Attributes box.
  2. Add a title for your page. The title will be shown in the page header section.
  3. Add an excerpt to your page if you want to display a short summary next to the page title in the page header section (optional).
  4. Add a featured image to your page to display a background image in the page header (optional).
  5. Add a content to your page if you want to display additional information below the page header section and above the grid (optional).
  6. Publish your page when you are ready.

The Grid Page template displays all child pages of the page, in a grid. If the page does not have child pages then the grid will not be shown on your page.

Note: This template requires Hermes v2.1.0 or newer.

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