Opening Menu Links in a new tab
WordPress comes with a menu system which allows easily create custom menus within your WordPress dashboard.
By default, all of your menu items will always open in the same browser tab (window). The good news is that WordPress comes with an option that allows to open menu items in a new browser tab (window) without using any plugins.
There are two ways to enable Link Targeting in WordPress: from the Menu page and from the Customizer.
The Menu page
- In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance → Menus.
- Click on the Screen Options link in the top right corner of the menu admin screen.
- Check the "Link Target" option which will reveal the "Open link in a new tab" option.
- If you want to change existing menu items to open in a new tab, click the arrow next to the menu item you want to edit to expand the options. The menu item should now display a checkbox to open the link in a new tab.
- Save your changes.
The Customizer
- In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance → Customize → Menus.
- Click on the gear shift icon, underneath the Publish button.
- Check off Link Target.
- If you want to change existing menu items to open in a new tab, simply select the menu you wish to edit from within the Customizer, click on the item, and check Open link in a new tab.
- Publish your changes.