Fortune: Hiding the Featured Image
To hide featured image in single views (single post page and single page), please use this custom CSS:
.page:not(.page-template-front-page) .site-main .hentry > .entry-thumb, .single .site-main .hentry .entry-thumb { display: none; }
Single pages
If you want to hide the featured image only for the single pages, then use this custom CSS:
.page:not(.page-template-front-page) .site-main .hentry > .entry-thumb { display: none; }
Single post pages
If you want to hide the featured image only for the single post pages, then use this custom CSS:
.single .site-main .hentry .entry-thumb { display: none; }
Specific page
To remove featured image for the specific page, you’ll need to know the page ID, and then use a custom CSS. For example:
.page-id-30 .site-main .hentry .entry-thumb { display: none; }
where 30 id the page ID.
Full Width Grid template
If you want to hide the main featured image only for the Full Width Grid template then use this custom CSS:
.page-template-grid-full-width-page .grid-main-entry .entry-thumb { display: none; }